We had a super successful week with 5 investigators
in church. It's been so much fun Elder Hood and I are killing it. I get
to serve another transfer with Elder Hood in Paramaribo South which I
am super glad about. I am learning so much from Elder Hood and am so
grateful for him and his example. So yes I am officially done with
training so now I am a normal missionary but still have no idea what i'm
doing lol. But the language is getting a lot better. I have had quite a
few people from the ward and people I have met on the street tell me
that I am speaking fluently I still don't believe it because asa soon as
I start getting prideful the Lord humbles me right away. It's fun
though. Also bad news, I think I am getting fat.. I don't really know
how.. I am not getting any larger in like shape but I am gaining weight
like crazy. Probably because all we eat is rice and more rice and beans
and then bread and eggs because we basically get like $47 US a week to
survive lol. It's super fun but it's ok I have started exercising in the
mornings (kind of) (5 sit ups). Onesimus got the aaronic priesthood on sunday
which was so fun to be apart of. This next transfer if everything goes
good, we should get like 5baptisms. We have found some amazing people.
miracle for this week was with one of our investigators Ron. Ron is the
boyfriend of a less active named cindy. We have been working very hard
with them to get married but one of his other struggles is with smoking.
We taught him about faith in christ and about how he can over come his
addiction through that faith then we gave him a blessing the get over
that addiction so he can stop and it was just such an amazing exprience.
The spirit was so strong. It's so funny because Coke is a very beloved
drink here among missionaries and I have currently got three more
missionaries to stop drinking caffine with me to help Ron stop smoking.
He came to church this last sunday with Cindy and their cute little baby
and everyone just welcomed them in with loving arms. It was so good to
see. That was for sure the highlight of the week.
so crazy to think that on Christmas Eve I will have been out for 6
months. The time has just flown by and I am just learning so much. I
invite you all to be ponderizing a scripture every week. It really helps
out during the week. I am sorry I don't have any pictures this week. I
should be getting a camera soon! Have a good week this week!!
Oh! He is doing great! I bet he is fluent if the people are telling him that. That is wonderful. Great to read letters from missionaries, especially from Tanner. I love his sense of humor. The 5 sit ups! He cracks me up!