This week was wild one. (like every single one of
them) This week was one of those weeks that I sat behind the computer
and was like... what even happened this week. This upcoming Saturday
will be super awesome.Transfer calls and also we have Christopher and
Anna getting baptized. That will be super fun and I am excited! We have
just had so many cool lessons with both of them this last week. We also
did this fun and very messy service project digging motes for these
banana tree beds. It was a blast but also super muddy. Also I think I
am allergic to papaya fruit. I got some sort of gnarly rash from them
(sorry if that is too much information) But this week was good. It's
transfer season and rainy season is still in it's full wrath.
My scripture for the week is Ether 3:4-5
4 And I know, O Lord, that tho u hast all power, and can do w hatsoever thou wilt for the be nefit of man; therefore touch these stones, O Lord, with thy finger, and prepare them that they may shin e forth in darkness; and they shall shine forth unto us in t he vessels which we have prepa red,that we may have light while we shall cross the sea.
5 Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this. We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men.
Love this scripture for two reasons. One is that it shows that we must
use our agency and two that we must have faith that is equal to the
caliber of the Faith of the Brother of Jared. With the first point, for
those of you that are not familiar with the background of this story,
the brother of Jared inquires of the Lord as to how he should light his
vessels to cross the great sea and the Lord basically tells him: you
have your own agency, go out and figure it out yourself. Now by no means
and I saying we should do everything ourselves and not inquire the Lord
for anything. This same brother of Jared learned that the hard way with
the Lord chastising him for three straight hours for not praying to him
but the point here is that we must go to the Lord for confirmation with
a plan that is open for changing. Then we see the miracles that come
from it as this prophet of God did. And two the phrase "Lord,, thou
canst do this" That power filled phrase is miraculous in the fact that
it's a 100% knowledge that the Lord will deliver. I know that this kind
of faith with access the windows of heaven and miracles will be worked
in our lives.
Love you all,
Elder Lewis
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